Some Downtown Fusion

You’ve probably seen it rolling: A sleek, shiny black food truck with red and orange flames parked at events and popular sites all over Houston. But for the last year or so, Fusion Taco owner Julia Sharaby has kept busy off the truck and in brick and mortar kitchens.

Julia and her fiance, chef David Grossman, recently sold their Branch Water Tavern (now operating as the Federal Grill) and have opened the restaurant version of Fusion Taco downtown at 801 Congress in a building that was previously the Market Square location of Les Grivals.

You might already know Fusion Taco food: The truck was one of the first to blend Korean and Mexican classics, way back in 2010. The term fusion cuisine has experienced a lot of overkill since then and even earned a bad rap as shot-gun marriages of different culinary styles and regions (Baja-Bosnian, anyone?) ended in unpalatable divorces.

There is something, however, that blends very nicely between certain Asian foods and tacos. The frequent use of chiles and spices, fresh herbs and vegetables is an easy answer to seamlessly merging the two cultural identities. There’s some complex-sounding items on the menu at Fusion Taco such as the 24-hour beef vindaloo tacos and agedeshi tofu tacos (crispy tofu, wasabi aioli and napa cabbage). And then there are the kim cheese (a kimchi grilled cheese sandwich), shrimp and crab quesadillas, and seared tuna and kale salad — my favorite plate so far (photo above) that makes sliding into the fusion world a little gentler for folks who may be hanging back.

Eateries such as Barnaby’s and Niko Niko’s also serve in the Market Square area, while just down the street and around the corner on Main are neighbors Hotel Icon, OKRA Charity Saloon, Goro & Gun, The Pastry War and Bad News Bar. While there is an outdoor patio already at Fusion Taco, you’ll see that it soon has a cover as well as misters and lighting so outdoor diners can cool off and stretch out our more pleasant seasons.

At lunch, the area is bustling with downtown employees taking their 60-minute break. But if you’re in the area in the evening, business is a little quieter and ideal for a quick sit-down bite (or French press and email catch-up) before meeting friends for a drink or a movie over at the Sundance Cinema. 

FUSION TACO 801 Congress 713-422-2882

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