Extra Servings

English Tea, Italian Style at Hotel Granduca

There is a misconception of the traditional English afternoon tea service. Some Americans believe it to be stuffy, or without satisfaction,…

Quizine: Manger Française? Mais Oui!

Has French food gone out of style? Has the haute kitchen that once held supremacy over all other culinary traditions…

A Cure for Vegetarianism

Back in the 1980s during my freshman year of college in Santa Barbara, I read Frances Moore Lappé’s 1971 book,…

Food Lover’s Quizine: Royal Jelly

In a beehive, worker bees watch the queen bee very closely for signs of failing health. Once the queen croaks,…

24 Days of Chocolate

What? You thought the holiday craziness was already underway? This Thursday, December 1, the countdown to Christmas really begins. So here's…

Healthy Cooks, Healthy Kids

Summer is a great time for kids to explore all kinds of interests – music, soccer, computers, animal care, gymnastics…

Want to Keep Bees? 7 Things to Consider

Got honey? Albeit worthwhile and fulfilling, keeping bees in your backyard is not something you can (or should) jump into over a…

Edible Delights, Delivered

After hours of emails, meetings and rush-hour traffic, coming home to a front door decorated by a neatly wrapped package…

Embellish Your Edible Garden

In the world of gardening, there are many divisions: tropical and cold-hardy, evergreen and deciduous, sun-loving and shade tolerant. For…

The Rain Poem

(Editors’ Note: In light of the recent multiple storms and flooding we thought a blast-from-the-past story about how the rain…

Be A Champion of Child Hunger

“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy ..., ” or so the song goes. Except for many Houston-area school children, it…

To Brie or Not to Brie

Charcuterie and cheese boards can be a last-minute throwdown of items that you already have in your fridge – or…

Snake Followed By Brunch

I ran into Curtis and Duwayne the other day out on the ranch road. They seemed more than usually confused,…

Gulf Coast Food Project: Seeds

Launched in 2008, the Gulf Coast Food Project (GCFP) is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Center for Public History and…

Four Books & a Movie

The books have been piling up here on the oak dropleaf table that currently serves as my desk. There are…

Get Schooled

Cooking classes are useful to a cooking newbie (like me) and inspiring to an experienced cook looking to hone particular…

Thanks, Dad!

“Oh my Pa-Pa, to me he was so wonderful …” Sung with unrestrained emotion by crooner Eddie Fisher, “Oh My…

Nocturnal Hunt

Behind my house near Rice University I have a small vegetable and herb garden, which includes among the tomatoes, eggplant…