Hunky Dory Introduces a New Club For Whiskey Fans

Hunky Dory bartender Keith Taylor. Photos by Chuck Cook Photography

The back bar area at Hunky Dory doesn’t look very big. However, more than 220 different kinds of whiskeys, some of which are coveted collectibles, are tucked away in the shelves and cabinets.

The collection is the pride and joy of bar manager Chris Morris and bartender Keith Taylor (photo below), who have worked hard to amass whiskeys from Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Japan, the United States and even Taiwan. To encourage guests to enjoy the diverse offerings, Hunky Dory has started a whiskey club.

All anyone of drinking age has to do to join is purchase a dram of his or her choice – that is, an ounce-and-a-half shot – and fill out a membership card. Every time a member tries a different whiskey, they should ask for their card (which is kept in a wooden rack at the bar area) and fill out the date and name of what is being imbibed on the back.

One perk of joining is that all whiskey club members get first dibs on reservations for spirits classes and special dinners. That includes Hunky Dory executive chef Richard Knight’s popular Robert Burns Supper, which happens every January.

Beyond that, it’s all about how many whiskeys have been tried. The first gift, at 25 pours, is a lapel pin. The seriously committed will earn the top prize, awarded for 250 pours: a multicourse dinner for four by chef Knight – with whiskey pairings, of course. Married couples have a benefit as they can share a card. The rationale is that they will likely want to go to the classes and dinners as a couple. (In the meantime, over the next several months, the bar will continue to bring in new whiskeys.)

There are a few rules. In order to count, the whiskey must be ordered neat, with ice, with water or with soda water. Whiskey cocktails do not count – and that means adding Coke or other sodas is a no-no. A different type of whiskey must be ordered each time in order to count towards the rewards.

Quiet times are best for ordering because the bartenders at Hunky Dory really want the opportunity to talk with patrons about their selections. “One of the big things that I love is the education part of it,” said Taylor. “I love sitting and talking with somebody to share what I know and enjoy about whiskey. I want to help them figure out what they like most.”

“The whole idea is bringing together and rewarding people who love the same things we do,” added bar manager Morris.

The hardest part will be figuring out where to start in the large collection. A dram will cost anywhere from $8 (for the house Irish whiskey, Hellcat Maggie) to $110 for the rare Glenrothes Vintage 1975.

Hunky Dory, 1801 N. Shepherd, 713-864-2450,

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