A hangover is most accurately described as “a feeling of moderate to extreme crappiness after consuming alcohol.”
Over the last few years we’ve often asked beverage professionals what their cure to the hangover might be. Answers have included a greasy cheeseburger, a red eye, pho, Topo Chico, cold pizza and scrambled eggs.* Additionally, they sometimes recommend hair of the dog as a recovery method. Yes, more alcohol. The theory is that by adding a small amount of alcohol to the bloodstream, the ethanol sugars balance out the after-effects of too much ethanol the evening before. Enter the bloody Mary and the michelada, which have both been labeled as morning-after life-savers.
Akiko Hagio, beverage director of Sanctuari bar at Triniti, will create three galactic cocktails to ride alongside the New Year’s Eve Zodiac feast hosted by the restaurant (details below), which also offers patrons the choice to pair wine with the 12 courses. When we asked Akiko how to balance out the universe after a night of celebrating, stuffing and imbibing at such an event, she recommended the Corpse Reviver #2. And then she showed us how to make it. (The grateful Sagittarius within me thanks you for meeting my demands on such short notice, Akiko.)
Corpse Reviver #2
1 oz. London dry gin
1 oz. Combier L’Orange (or Cointreau)
1 oz. lemon juice
1 oz. Lillet Blanc
METHOD: Add all ingredients into a shaker. Shake and double strain into an absinthe-rinsed coupe glass. Add a lemon peel for garnish.

Corpse Reviver #2. Photo by Becca Wright
*Author’s note: The best way to cope with a hangover is to take two Ibuprofen with an eight-ounce glass of water while tucking yourself in bed after a party. The next day, upon waking up, pour 1 part Champagne into a glass with 2 parts orange juice and 1 part pineapple juice. Order a large cheese pizza or your favorite Chinese food for delivery. Return to bed for six to eight hours.
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