Judy Henrichsen, who has been known as a key player in the supplier’s end of the hospitality industry for nearly 15 years, has been found unresponsive in her home today by a friend who was checking on her. At the time of this article originally being published, friends recalled that she hadn’t been heard from for multiple days. On February 19, a source close to Judy let us know that both a neighbor and her husband had heard from her within 24 hours of a friend finding her post-mortem. The cause of death is unknown.
Known as the Veggie Lady and Mint Maven and for joking regularly that her career involved working with “fruits and nuts” Judy’s career is marked by her account management work at Pro*Act, Brothers Produce, DiMare, HerbCo and most recently as the agriculture industry manager for the Houston Food Bank where she had been organizing produce donations and relationship development since November 2016. During and after hurricane Harvey, Judy worked 18-20 hour days in order to organize the delivery of food to Houston and the other Gulf Coast foodbanks which serve the communities crippled by hurricane damage and flooding. The Heights resident was a member of the Houston Culinary Guild and Les Dames d’ Escoffier International. Judy was a long-time fan of the St. Louis Cardinals and graduated from MacMurray College in 1985.

Judy and friend Callista
Judy will be remembered for her jokes and laughter, her spicy wit and quick comebacks, her infinite fundraising assistance for organizations which fed the hungry, supported animal rescue and raised scholarships for hospitality students. She was passionate about her dogs and loved all canines, especially the Bull Terrier breed. She will be deeply missed.
UPDATE (2/6/18):
A memorial scholarship has been established in her name at the University of Houston’s – Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management. We hope that you will give generously so that Judy can continue to share her passion with those seeking a career in the food and beverage industry. Whether you are mailing a check or making your contribution online, please be sure to note that your gift is for the Judy Henrichsen Scholarship. All contributions are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.
Checks should be made payable to the University of Houston, designating Judy Henrichsen in the memo line, and sent to :
Miguel Cabrera
Conrad N. Hilton College
4450 University Dr., Rm. #227
Houston, Texas 77204-3028
If you’d like to contribute by credit card you may visit: http://bit.ly/2yd9YUO. In the comments section, note that you want your gift designated to benefit the Judy Henrichsen Scholarship. You may contact Miguel by phone at 713-743-1523 or by email at mcabrera3@uh.edu if you have any questions.

Judy made friends with all players in the hospitality industry, from hospitality real estate brokers to chefs, photographers, and restaurant publicists.

Judy with publicist Paula Murphy and pastry chef Rebecca Masson at My Table’s golf tournament.

Judy and Houston Food Bank coworker Lisa

Judy (at center) and her Girl Scout troop, 1977. Submitted by her friend, Karen.

“These pictures were taken at a Gala at the JW Marriott. The last time I saw my dear friend.
She photo bombed our picture but, that was her personality.” Submitted by friend Roseanna.
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