Most Americans who live outside of Texas, Nebraska or Minnesota don’t yet know what a kolache is, not to mention how to pronounce the name of the treat. A few years ago, the Today Show and Bon Appetit magazine tried to make kolaches the cronuts of 2015. In 2013, the New York Times took note of the rise in kolaches popularity, opening up the interest of readers across the world.

Oh honey, no.
And while National Margarita Day just passed us by on February 22, how exciting is it that another Tex-centric treat, kolaches, will have their own shining moment just a week later on March 1?
How does a day of national recognition even happen? In this case, Koala Kolache’s Vatsana Souvannavong had an idea to reach out to Houston mayor Sylvester Turner and filed for a proclamation.
According to Koala Kolache’s representative, the Cypress, Texas bakery will be giving away free mini kolaches and raising money for MD Anderson on March 1 in remembrance of another woman in the Texas kolache bakery world:
“…the late Jody Powers from Zamykal Kolaches in Dallas, Texas, who is known as Dallas’ “Crazy Kolache Lady” because of her zany routine of dancing on the sidewalk to lure the customers inside. Souvannavong and Powers – both female entrepreneurs and Crazy Kolache Ladies in their respective cities – shared a crazy love for this tasty pastry. To honor their connection, Souvannavong would like the first-ever National Kolache Day to be in memory of Powers. Koala Kolache will partner with M.D. Anderson to donate 50% of all kolache sales on March 1 in memory of Powers, as she passed away from cancer.”

Elote kolache from Koala Kolache. Becca Wright photo
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